Sunday 6 July 2008

30 wet miles

Team Chelsea Dynamo met at 8am this Sunday on Clapham Common and sped off southwards aiming for the coast. The weather started dry but by the time we'd reached Turners Hill the rain was lashing down with little prospect of it improving. So an early train back but a great ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I particularly enjoy the shreik from Jo at the start of this clip as the car approaches the defenceless camera and then also the random choreography of the two figures crossing at the end...

Please Sponsor Us!

It would be wonderful if you could sponsor our team
(Jo, Chris, Tim and Martin) to help raise money for the school.

Contact Ann Marie in the school office on 020 8746 8672/3
or email at for details.

Please Sponsor Us!

It would be wonderful if you could sponsor our team
(Jo, Chris, Tim and Martin) to help raise money for the school.
Contact Ann Marie in the school office on 020 8746 8672/3 or for details.