Saturday 28 June 2008

52 glorious miles

I set off early to the cycle jumble at Ripley and ride a total of 52 glorious miles, barely a hill and back by 1pm. After lasts weeks struggle to do 26 miles it all starts to seem vaguely possible. 

Monday 23 June 2008

A Hard Day's Night

here's a great description of the ride in 2006

Sunday 22 June 2008

26 mile ride

Despite feeling dreadful I force myself out for a 26 mile ride. There's a 20 mph south westerly wind so I head off into the teeth of it and end up in Kingston. Thankfully it's still blowing on the way back which is much easier. Exhausted afterwards.

Team Chelsea Dynamo

Well I have to hand it to the members of Team Chelsea Dynamo - four brave cyclists ready to throw themselves at the challenge of riding 120 miles on a bicycle through the night of Saturday 19th July. From London to Dunwich up on the Suffolk coast. It's an annual event, in 2006 700 mad cyclists set off - I must check how many arrived. Team Chelsea Dynamo currently consists of Jo, Tim, Chris and myself. Anyone else is most welcome to join us.

I'm feeling somewhat dubious about the whole affair even though I did suggest it. Next year being my half century I reckon the only way I can possibly keep up with the youngsters is to put some miles in my legs. So not exactly a traing schedule - more a faint glimmer of hope that I might
just complete the Dunwich Dynamo.

Please Sponsor Us!

It would be wonderful if you could sponsor our team
(Jo, Chris, Tim and Martin) to help raise money for the school.

Contact Ann Marie in the school office on 020 8746 8672/3
or email at for details.

Please Sponsor Us!

It would be wonderful if you could sponsor our team
(Jo, Chris, Tim and Martin) to help raise money for the school.
Contact Ann Marie in the school office on 020 8746 8672/3 or for details.